How could I not post this photo!? Evan is front left and Colin is on the right. Behind right is Dane and Travis in above Col and Ev. They were Aquabats for Halloween. Thanks to Aunt Susie for the hoodies!
"We would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most."
Hills vs Sand- It's all a matter of perspective
Yesterday I worked 15 hours. I left the house at 6am and didn't return till
11:30pm. Didn't see the girls awake at all but gave them kisses when I got
It is now the summer of 2012 - and what a summer it has been!
The first of May found us traveling our well used route to Garden Grove
CA. Parked the tr...
Here is the URL of your new favorite blog:
Get it? Cuz I have a J.D. now! Yeah, I know...
Look, I'm gonna be working with a...
Daily Rejoicing
Cinco de Mayo to all of you! It's even celebrated in SG, as we have a
Hispanic presence here! Happy Spring weather to all of you; it's in 80's
here and t...
*As the time for Colin's mission nears it's end, his letters are getting
shorter. Here is an update on what he had to say this week.*
*When asked about his...
We're going private
We've moved on the web... finally... to a private blog. It's been a
learning experience to get the 'ole blog switched over, but alas, it was
way easier the...
Sorry, DC + good news
I would say "my bad," but if I did, my mom would probably strangle me the
next time she saw me. However, I will say sorry for being a slacker. I'm
alive ...
Garden Grove 6th Ward Young Women
Hey Young Women (and their parents)
Here are the upcoming activities . . .
Tuesday, July 28th - Pajama-orama!!! 7 pm. We'll be working on finishing
your pa...
I am the seminary teacher of the greatest youth in the world. In our class we study the scriptures, doctrines, and principles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Our attendance helps us to put on the "Armor of God" and strengthen our testimony of the Lord, Jesus Christ and our part in Heavenly Father's plan of happiness.
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