After traveling across the wonderful and very wide United States of America, (I'll write about that later) my feet are needing to go for a walk. So...I'm sneaking in Hike #4 on Friday, August 21 at 9:30 am. It is a long hike, according to the book 4.7 miles, so be sure to bring water and a snack and sunscreen. It will be the East cut-across to Moro Ridge Loop at Crystal Cove State Park. I will be at the church parking lot at 8:45 and leave at 8:55 if you would like a ride. Let me know if I should wait for you or if you will be at the park. These are the directions:
"Take the 405 South to the 133 South to its terminus at the PCH. Drive north on PCH for approximately 2.8 miles to El Moro Road, where you will find an elementary school and a traffic light. Turn right (east), and drive up the road to the entrance booth (a right hand turn). Either pay here or at the self-serve pay machine in the parking area a short distance ahead. The trail head is at the west end of the lot."
While driving across the states I was amazed at the beauty and variety of the landscapes surrounding me, but I still feel there are few places that can compare to the Pacific Ocean. In a way, seeing it on Friday will signify that I have made it home.
I bet it was beautiful- how did it go?