I will be starting with the beach hikes. It is still summer and hot and if you know me, you know I do not like the heat. ( Hate it if you want the truth.) The first and easiest beach hike in the book was completed several years back with my Cub Scout den (it is also the only hike that has been completed), so I'm starting with hike #2, the Upper Newport Bay Trail. I have invited friends to join me, you, my blog friends, are also invited. I will let you know who joins in. I am anticipating going alone, which is fine, but I'm hoping to be surprised.
I am still trying to figure out what my reasoning is for choosing this adventure; local, inexpensive, do-able. But I am beginning to feel an excitement of being out among the flora and fauna, exploring beautiful areas in my own back yard that I have never seen, despite the fact that I have lived in Orange County for 23 years. I am also sensing my life taking a big leap into the "really busy" description with the start of the new school year. I will need some recharging and resorting time, these hikes may be just the ticket. Wish me luck!